For Immediate Release
May 28, 2011
Contact Information

Sonshine Communications
Vanessa Loy
(305) 948-8063

(BPRW) Cell Phones: Minding Your Manners

(BLACK PR WIRE)--It’s happened to most of us. You’re in the middle of an important conversation with a friend or relative, when suddenly that unmistakable noise goes off. Your companion says, “Hold on one second,” pulls out the cell phone, and starts talking to someone on the other line. Hopefully the conversation lasts just long enough for the other person to say, “I’ve got to go, but I’ll call you back later.” But sometimes they keep talking… and talking… and talking. You just smile politely and gaze at the scenery patiently. Ten minutes later, your friend finally finishes the call and asks you “So what were we talking about?” By that time, your train of thought has long left the station. Or worse, your friend suddenly has to leave you for another errand.

If you’ve been on the receiving end of this behavior, you’ve had a lesson in bad cell phone manners. Now, be honest; are you guilty of bad cell phone manners? Good manners don’t change just because you have a cell phone in your hand or headset. Ringing during a performance and distracted drivers are the top cell phone pet peeves, but it doesn’t stop there. Have you ever thought someone was talking to you, but after responding back realized that person was speaking to a phone call? Maybe a loud talker has given you more details of a family argument than you care to know. Or maybe you’ve attempted to provide service to someone having a divided conversation between you and the cell phone.

Most Americans agree that we need some basic etiquette when it comes to the cell phone. Here are ways to avoid making common cell phone offenses:

• If talking in public, keep your volume level equivalent to your surroundings. Besides being disruptive, you never know who could overhear your personal information if you talk too loud.

• If socializing with other people, give them your undivided attention. Keep your phone on vibrate if you must take a call, and end it as soon as possible.

• When people wait on you in a service capacity, also give them your undivided attention instead of trying to juggle two conversations.

• Set your ring tones at the lowest possible level where you can still hear them.

• If you are going to be physically separated from your phone, turn it off so it doesn’t cause a nuisance from unanswered ringing.

• Observe other people’s body language. If they suddenly walk away from you or look annoyed, they may find your conversation disruptive.

• As often as you’ve heard it, this is the most basic rule: When asked to turn off your phone, turn it off!