For Immediate Release
December 31, 2010
Contact Information

Vanessa Loy
Sonshine Communications

(BPRW) 2011: Your Year, Your Career

(BLACK PR WIRE) – 2011 has finally arrived, and with it come many challenges. Workers in all professions are concerned about job security in these times of economic downturn and recession. If you are one who makes New Year’s resolutions, here are some to add to your list to help you navigate your career through rough waters, whatever your employment situation may be.

Resolve to keep a positive attitude and tune out negativity. While that is easier said than done, attitude affects so much in all areas of life. Remember that economic situations are generally cyclical, and keeping upbeat will make you a more attractive candidate for hiring.

Resolve to display your assets. The most prominent is the résumé, both in hard copy and online. Of course, your résumé needs not only visibility, but accuracy. Have you moved, changed email addresses or phone numbers, or been promoted in the past year? Make sure all of that information has been updated. There are many free job recruiting websites where you can upload your résumé and turn on email settings to send messages when an opening fitting your search criteria is posted. Also, keep business cards handy.

Resolve to turn hobbies into skills, and skills into something substantial. There is an old saying that if you do what you love for a living, you will never have to work a day in your life. Realistically, most people have to work their way up the ladder to that dream career, particularly those who’ve just entered the workforce. However, those pastimes you enjoy on the weekends can be an entry in that direction. Many successful people break into their professions later in life, after several years in a different career. So don’t give up on that novel or art project you’ve been working on. They can bring in additional income, and you may be compelled to fall back on new skills while between jobs.

Resolve to keep learning. It doesn’t necessarily mean going back to conventional education, though that is an asset for many job seekers. Learning can take different forms, such as picking up a new language (including the computer programming kind), keeping appraised of current events, following industry news, or becoming familiar with different departments in your company. These are some ways you can build better rapport with your employer and coworkers, as well as sell yourself in the hiring market.

Resolve to network. Many job seekers do this by joining their industry's professional association. Also consider community service and volunteering, which can give you experience in other fields, introduce you to other professionals, and boost your résumé. Plus, that volunteer position can turn into a paid career.

Resolve to take care of your health. This includes health of mind and body. Honestly assess your work-life balance and cut back in areas where you see yourself getting overstressed. Remember that while careers come and go, your personal relationships and your health are irreplaceable.